Netflix Party

is now available on Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox

How do I add a Netflix Party Extension to Chrome

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The revolutionary Chrome extension Netflix Party, now known as Teleparty, revolutionizes how we watch movies and television shows online with friends and family. Moreover, this guide offers a far-reaching take on improving your streaming experience by coordinating Teleparty into your Chrome web browser. Designed to synchronize video playback and add a group chat to your favorite streaming platforms, Telepathy allows you to enjoy content together, irrespective of physical distance. 

Furthermore, from downloading and installing the extension to hosting or joining a Netflix Watch Party, the steps outlined ensure a smooth and enjoyable viewing experience. Whether you want to stay connected with loved ones or a more interactive way to watch Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, or HBO, Teleparty offers real-time synchronization, chat features, and a shared virtual space to bridge the gap between you and your streaming companions.

Know How To Add Netflix Party Extension to Chrome Worry Free? 

Certainly! Let's delve deeper into each step for adding the Netflix Party extension (now Teleparty) to your Chrome browser and using it for an enhanced streaming experience with friends and family.

Detailed Steps for Adding the Netflix Party Extension

Open Google Chrome:

  • Importance: Chrome is essential because Teleparty is a Chrome extension. It's specifically designed to work within this browser.

  • Get Chrome: Besides, you can get Chrome from Google's official website if you don't already have it. Moreover, it works with several operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Access Netflix Party Chrome Extensions:

  • Navigating to Extensions: Type chrome://extensions in Chrome’s address bar. Also, this opens the Extensions part of the web browser where you deal with all your Chrome extensions.

  • Chrome Web Store: From here, you can directly access the Chrome Web Store by clicking on a link at the bottom left of the page.

Search for Netflix Party (Teleparty):

  • Using the Search Bar: In the Web Store, type "Netflix Party" or "Teleparty" in the search bar. Even though it’s renamed, searching for "Netflix Party" will still bring up Teleparty.

  • Why Search Both Names: Searching both names ensures you find the correct extension, as some users might still be more familiar with the old name.

Verify the Extension:

  • Check Authenticity: Ensure the extension is the official one. Moreover, it should be listed as "Netflix Watch Party - Chrome Web Store" and developed by "".

  • Why Verification Matters: This step is crucial to avoid downloading fake or malicious extensions that could compromise your security.

Open Extension Details:

  • Learn More: Clicking on the Netflix Party Chrome extension listing opens its details page, where you can read about the extension’s features, user reviews, and required permissions.

Add to Chrome:

  • Installation Process: Click this page's "Add to Chrome" button. This action prompts the browser to download and install the Netflix Party extension.

Confirm Installation:

  • Security Prompt: A pop-up window asks you to confirm the addition of the extension. Moreover, it’s a security feature of Chrome to prevent unwanted installations.

Check Installation:

  • Icon Appearance: Once installed, the Teleparty icon, labeled “TP” in a red rectangle, should appear in the top-right corner of the browser, indicating successful installation.

Hosting or Joining a Netflix Watch Party

Launch Netflix:

  • Compatibility: Open Netflix in Chrome. Teleparty synchronized video playback across all participants but only works within Chrome.

Create a Watch Party Netflix:

  • Starting a Netflix Party: Click on the Teleparty icon to create a new Netflix watch party. Consequently, this generates a unique URL which you can share.

  • Controls: Also, you can choose to have control over playback or let all participants have equal control.

Invite Friends:

  • Sharing the Link: Also, you need to share the generated URL with your friends. They must click on this link to join your Watch Party Netflix.

  • Extension Requirement: Further, remind them to install the Teleparty or Netflix Party Chrome extension to join.

Benefits and Features of Netflix Party/Teleparty

  • Continuous Synchronization: This keeps everybody's playback in a state of harmony. However, if one individual stops, it stops for everybody, guaranteeing a strong review insight.

  • Chat Feature: Moreover, a chat window where participants can discuss the show or movie in real time.

  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Besides, it works with other streaming services, like Hulu, Disney+, and HBO.

  • Enhancing Long-Distance Relationships: Perfect for friends and families who are geographically separated. It creates a virtual movie night experience.

  • Accommodation and Adaptability: Watch films or shows all at once that suit everybody, regardless of various time regions.

Hence, you can have a movie night with friends or family worldwide by using Netflix Party/Teleparty. Combining the pleasure of watching together with the convenience of being apart adds a new dimension to online streaming. Get Chrome Extension

Tags: - Netflix Party, Netflix Watch Party, Netflix Party Extension, Netflix Party Chrome Extension, Watch Party Netflix,